It's Monday again! Time for another Menu Plan. This week's is a little different. See, during the summer, I work 4 - 10 hour days, which frankly result in some pretty hectic and downright late mealtimes Mon-Thursday. Doing a menu plan for the week certainly does alleviate some of the stress of getting my family fed a decent meal, at a decent time, but this week I am trying something new and although I didn't really plan for it to happen, I ran with it and we'll see if it's something I want to try doing every week.
On Friday (day off!) I woke up completely energized and in the mood to make food. And by that I mean - I was in the mood to make a ton of food. It was very out of character for me, but I decided to go with it and see where it took me. By 8 am (and this is not something I have ever done) I had made 3 meals! 3 meals! To be frozen for the upcoming week. Sheesh! By the end of the day, I had 2 more + a pan of Oatmeal Chocolate Chip chewy bars.
So, my menu plan was created, cooked and frozen by Saturday of the weekend and this week, I don't anticipate having to cook until Friday again. Now, all I'll have to do is worry about the dishes - which should be a snap, because all the pots and pans have been cleaned up. I'm starting to think this is the way to go - for the summer at least!
So - here's the Menu for this week - Hubs can pick what dinner he wants on what night (since he gets home with the kiddos before I do and will be in charge of thawing and heating up.)
Pecan Crusted PorkChops
Chicken Fajitas (<--quesadillas for the kiddos)
Spinach/Sausage Lasagna
Pork BBQ sandwiches
I also made a big tub of salad to go with these meals throughout the week as a premade side.
Phew. I think my week just got easier. Oh, and I fell in love with my slow cooker this weekend...
For more great menu ideas - check out Organized Junkie's Menu Plan Monday.
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