Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Budget Recap 4/25

Bah. Poopy old Sam's Club done busted my budget. I was hoping to come in right at 200 this month, but Sam's Club got the best of us. I would've made it 8 dollars under the $200 mark, if we hadn't splurged at Sam's. But what can I say? It was GORGEOUS outside/payday, we were in Kalamazoo to shop (we never go there anymore!), so - we shopped. Ever wonder what 50 pounds of unpopped popcorn kernels look like? Just wait! It was sort of interesting to compare prices with sales on items at Meijer to see if shopping at Sams really was cost effective. I do like the idea of buying in bulk, but they don't run deals, sales or take coupons so I'm guessing my chances of getting anything for free or dirt cheap are slim to none at Sam's Club. But I do think that the next time I need to buy baking supplies that it is more cost efficient to get them at Sams. Flour and sugar were looking to be about 7 cents a pound cheaper and I wouldn't have to wait for sales, etc., which, I've noticed mostly only come around the holidays because people are baking. I do not foresee Sams going on my list of regular shopping stores, however.

I'm feeling like the title of the month of May might just be "If it isn't for free, it isn't for me" month. Most of the blogs that I read say to have at least 3 months of food stockpiled just in case. Well, I do believe I've achieved that. And, as Hubs pointed out, I have H&B items stockpiled till next year.

Budget Recap for the month of April:

OOP - 241.41
SAVED - 474.86

Not too shabby for a family of four. And - I almost doubled my money!

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