Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Meijer Run

Update on the Meijer Match Ups - I went last night armed with Kraft coupons. It went pretty well, I was buying fruit and trash bags as well -so I knew my OOP was going to be a little higher than I wanted it, but two of my Meijer Mealbox Q's didn't go through -the hotdog one, and one of the Ritz crackers. They beeped, the cashier scanned them all, but nothing. So now I'm wondering if I have to suggest to the cashier that she type the coupon code in so that it comes off. I'm poorer about 7 bucks due to Mealbox coupons not going through. This is the third time, so I'm emailing Meijer and the store manager and asking for tips to get these to go through. It's frustrating to have the deals sitting there looking you in the face and then to not be able to access them!Also a little bit of mystery on the DiGiornio Pizzas - the 8" are advertised as 3/9.99, but the pizzas I looked at for the FlatBread were regularly priced at 5.75. Put that back for sure - I wanted to do more checking, but had both girlies with me, so I decided to postpone the pizza investigation till later.

All in all - I purchased (no pics, I left my camera at work!):

3 chunk cheeses
2 boxes of Triscuits
2 boxes of Ritz
Crystal Light

Paid 14.94 saved 21.04 - Would've saved an extra 2.00 were it not for the Mealbox mess up.

Left in my envelope: 4.12 - LOL <-- just goes to show ya - if it's in my envelope, I'll spend it. Yikes. Gonna get interesting. Thank goodness for rebates, register rewards, popcans and rainchecks...

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